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Color Scheme Yarn Breakdown #2

Writer: LaurenLauren

Welcome to the color scheme yarn breakdown! I'm back today with another fun set of colors for you to use in your upcoming project. These colors are across a few brands of affordable acrylic yarns that are local to the US, and the brand matters - I've found quite a few color names that are the same across brands but end up being totally different colors. That said, that's the whole reason I'm here - to make your project easier! So without further ado, let's get to number 2!

A set of warm neutral tones: a bright coral pink, a peach, a slightly yellow cream, a light aqua, and a grayish blue
Color Scheme #2

This color scheme came from the trending colors on, an extremely helpful website for this sort of thing. Today we have a pretty group of neutrals, which together would make a beautiful accent blanket for a living room, especially for nautical or beach themed spaces. After some careful comparisons with my color book, here's the color matches I came up with:

  • Dark Peach - Caron 1 lb "Living Coral"

  • Light Peach - Caron 1 lb "Peach"

  • Cream - Caron 1 lb "Cream"

  • Light Blue - Red Heart With Love "Iced Aqua"

  • Dark Blue - Impeccable "Misty Blue"

An example granny square of the color scheme of the day, made up of five rounds of double crochets. The dark blue is the first round, in the center. The second is a lighter gray blue, the third a pale yellow, the fourth peach, and the outermost ring is a rich coral color. The color scheme is reminiscent of the beach.
Granny Square Color Sample

In case you'd like to see how these colors work up before you buy, here's a quick sample square!

Now for these colors, You'll want to shop at for the Caron 1 lb and the Red Heart with Love, and at for the Impeccable Yarn.

To finish off, I'd love to see anything you make with these. Tag me with @Stitchesoffuturepast on Instagram or Tiktok and I'll happily take a look! Also, if you're stuck finding colors for your next project, let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can find for you.

Thank you for reading today, and I hope your project goes well!

~Lauren from Stitches of Future Past




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