Welcome to the color scheme yarn breakdown! I'm back today with another fun set of colors for you to use in your upcoming project. These colors are across a few brands of affordable acrylic yarns that are local to the US, and the brand matters - I've found quite a few color names that are the same across brands but end up being totally different colors. That said, that's the whole reason I'm here - to make your project easier! Let's take a look at color set #3!

This color scheme came from the trending colors on www.coolers.com, an extremely helpful website for this sort of thing. This time we have a nice set of pastels, perfect for pairing with black or white for the fans of pastel goth aesthetic, and also great for baby blankets. These are also a pretty nice gradient, so they could be rotated through for some beautiful granny square quilts. I did some flipping through my color library, and here's what I decided on:
Pink - Red Heart with Love "Blush"
Light Purple - Big Twist "Soft Purple"
Purple - Caron 1 lb "Light Violet"
Violet - Red Heart Super Saver "Light Jasmine"
Blue - Big Twist "Cornflower Blue"

And now here's the set of yarns worked up together!
When it comes to purchasing these colors, this is a one stop shopping list - they're all able to be found at www.joann.com as of now (august 2023).
To finish off, I'd love to see anything you make with these. Tag me with @Stitchesoffuturepast on Instagram or Tiktok and I'll happily take a look! Also, if you're stuck finding colors for your next project, let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can find for you.
Thank you for reading today, and I hope these colors turn out beautifully in your work!
~Lauren from Stitches of Future Past