Welcome to the color scheme yarn breakdown! Today we're taking a look at another set of trending colors perfect to use in your next project. These colors are across a few brands of affordable acrylic yarns that are local to the US, and the brand matters - I've found quite a few color names that are the same across brands but end up being totally different colors. That said, that's the whole reason I'm here - to make your project easier! So here we go with #4!

This color scheme came from the trending colors on www.coolers.com, an extremely helpful website for this sort of thing. These are bright but not too saturated, and would be great for blankets and toys for kids, for example. I took a look at my collection and here's what I thought matched.
Pink - Red Heart Super Saver "Light Raspberry"
Yellow - Red Heart Super Saver "Cornmeal"
Green - Red Heart Super Saver "Tea Leaf"
Blue - Big Twist "Cornflower Blue"
Purple - Red Heart Super Saver "Orchid"

For an idea of how they look together, here's a sample!
Another easy shopping list, these can all be found at www.joann.com as of now (august 2023).
To finish off, I'd love to see anything you make with these. Tag me with @Stitchesoffuturepast on Instagram or Tiktok and I'll happily take a look! Also, if you're stuck finding colors for your next project, let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can find for you.
Thank you for reading today, and I hope these colors bring you joy today!
~Lauren from Stitches of Future Past